Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hello and welcome to "Teaching with Web 2.0". This blog will function as both the focal point of the class and as a resource for you to access later.

What we are going to talk about today:
- Web 2.0 Video
- What is Web 2.0
- What is an RSS Feed
- Blogging as class structure
- Youtube, for your videos
- Flickr, for you images
- Photoshop for your flickr
- other online photoshop
- links
- Check out Flock
- The Machine is Us/ing Us

Monday, August 25, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 -
Is the name which has been given as an umbrella term to what is considered to be the next phase of the evolution of the internet, encompassing technologies such as blogs, wikis and other forms of interaction, development and innovation above and beyond the web technologies which have been around since it's inception. RSS feeds are an important part of Web 2.0 sites.

* What is an RSS Feed?
- Definetion of an RSS feed:
'Real Simple Syndication', is a new technology used on the web to broadcast information and media in real time. YouTube, Flickr, Blogs & Email all have RSS feeds.

It's like signing up for cable television
- First you call up the cable company and subscribe to their service
- Then they connect your house to the signal
- You turn on your TV and the image is there
- As you flick through the channels you see what ever content you subscribed to

On the internet to watch a feed you
- Subscribe to an RSS feed from you favorite web 2.0 site
- You launch your favorite web browser and the newest content from that website is there
- You can click through your favorite RSS feeds to see whats 'on'

* What can it do for us and our students?
Examples of class blogs:

Benefits of Web 2.0
- it's FREE *
- accessible on any computer with internet access
- full time access by students and professors on or off campus
- broadcasts a RSS feed
- no need to pay for web space
- increase visibility of Hartwick college on the internet
- instant back up of class resources, daily agenda and other content
- easy to sign up for and use (as easy as sending an email)

*Flickr is free but can be upgraded to a 'Pro' account for $24.95 a year

Would you like a RSS feed friendly browser that can make all this even easier?
Then check out the web browser called Flock. Flock integrates your blog, Flickr, Youtube and accounts into your browser making it easy to access all your feeds in one place. Flock also has a media uploader built in and it is completely free for Mac or PC.

your world, people, media, feeds, mail, favorites, accounts, web clipboard, blog editor, uploader


Benefits of a Blog
- up to date information
- Archive of information, keeps all class resources compiled in one place
- time stamp on posts, easy to refer back to
- search allows for easy access to specific information
- easy to update, like sending an email


Benefits of a Youtube account
- remote off site digital video back-up
- archive of videos can be easily used in future classes
- video archive becomes a resource for students
- easy to display digital video on your blog or website



Benefits of a Flickr account (Picasa by Google is another alternative)
- remote off site digital image back-up (always good to have a duplicate)
- archive of images can be used in future classes
- image archive becomes a resource for students
- create slide shows on the web with ease
- can control who has access to images
- easily put images on your blog or website
- create books, prints, cards and more from your images online and sent to your door
- connects to a Photoshop Express account for easy adjustment of images

Benefits of a account

- organize your bookmarks with tags
- Can broadcast a RSS feed for specific tags